Department of the Built Environment
PhD defence by Yuanli Liu: Microplastics in the Environment

Department of the Built Environment
Auditorium C.004
Thomas Manns Vej 25 (AAU INNOVATE)
9220 Aalborg East
19.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:00
Department of the Built Environment
Auditorium C.004
Thomas Manns Vej 25 (AAU INNOVATE)
9220 Aalborg East
19.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:0019.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:00
Department of the Built Environment
PhD defence by Yuanli Liu: Microplastics in the Environment

Department of the Built Environment
Auditorium C.004
Thomas Manns Vej 25 (AAU INNOVATE)
9220 Aalborg East
19.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:00
Department of the Built Environment
Auditorium C.004
Thomas Manns Vej 25 (AAU INNOVATE)
9220 Aalborg East
19.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:0019.10.2023 Kl. 13:00 - 16:00
During the break, participants can email questions to the moderator or contact him or her personally in room. The moderator presents any questions received after the Q&A session with the assessment committee.
The assessment committee enters another room, evaluates, and writes the final assessment.
Moderator for the defence
Associate Professor Søren Liedtke Thorndahl, Dept. of the Built Environment, Aalborg University,
How to participate online
If you are not joining the defence on location, you can join us on:
Meeting ID: 69204375019
Passcode: 737307
Thesis title
Microplastics in the enviroment and the analysis - Fulfil knowledge gap of research size covering, methodology and analytical technologies
Summary of the thesis
Microplastics (MPs) were first identified in aquatic environments during the early 2000s, sparking extensive research efforts to deepen our understanding of these particles. However, our knowledge of small MPs remains limited due to a predominant focus on larger MPs (> 200 μm), and advanced technologies like µFTIR imaging struggle to accurately quantify the small MPs. Furthermore, the lack of standardized methods complicates the comparison of data across studies.
To address these challenges, this PhD study aimed to focus MPs down to 10 μm in Danish marine waters, and explore the impact of different methodologies on understanding of MPs in the environment. Moreover, a novel detection technology was introduced in detecting small MPs. In summary, this study filled knowledge gaps regarding small MPs in the marine environment, examined the connection between MP distribution and human activity, and provided insights into the effect of the analytical methodology on MP quantification results. Furthermore, the study introduced the application of Large Area Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (LAATR-FTIR) for detecting small MPs.
Copy of thesis
For a copy of the thesis, please email
Assessment committee
- Associate Prof. Mads Koustrup Jørgensen, Dept. of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University (chairperson)
- Senior Researcher Scientist Amy L. Lusher, The Norwegian Inst. for Water Research, NIVA, Norway
- Research Scientist Giuseppe Suaria, CNR-ISMAR (Institute of Marine Sciences) U.o.S di Pozzuolo di Lerici, Italy
PhD supervisors
- PhD supervisor, Prof. Jes Vollertsen, Dept. of the Built Environment, Aalborg University
- Co-supervisor, Associate Prof. Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen, Dept. of the Built Environment, Aalborg University
Graduate programme
- Civil Engineering